Having worked for 20 years in the field of homelessness, as a volunteer, in various inclusion projects, with companies, public bodies and organisations that support and try to transform their lives, I know, interact with and recognise an enormous desire to help people experiencing this scourge to walk the path to a life of dignity and full citizenship.
Low-density territories present particular challenges due to the difficulty in retaining a population, especially an active one. But these challenges hide opportunities.
At the 7th conference on the pathology and rehabilitation of buildings, Father Jardim Moreira, a long-time defender of human rights, gave the audience a tough confrontation with reality. He spoke of housing as a right. But forgotten. Here is the second part of the article.
The Notice will be published this month October, with a maximum value of 200,000 euros per application, and an implementation period of two years. For the ageing field.
It as international news for several days that six young Portuguese are today defending the cause of climate action at the European Court of Human Rights. We can't ignore it or shrug our shoulders - on the contrary. We need to take a close look and reflect on how we can be effective today in the fight for the planet and the future of humanity.
"Dad has dementia. What now?". You leave the hospital without enough advice to take the first steps. What should healthcare organizations do? How can patient organizations do even more? And what about companies - what can they do for their employees who are also informal caregivers?
Education is a right for all and is considered one of the best tools for compensating for socio-economic inequalities. This is how the new Edulog study opens, revealing that not only the socio-economic conditions of families determine differences in performance at school.
In what is the first policy paper of the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, the study coordinated by Paulo M. M. Rodrigues focuses on the problem of access to housing and proposes strategies for its resolution.